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We are currently experiencing disruptions to the catalogue search, MySPL account and SILS app. Teams are working to resolve this as quickly as possible.

On Jan 1, 2021, we said “good readance” to late fines … FOREVER! We’ve wiped out all existing late fines, and you’ll never get a new late fine again.

Before the pandemic, there were nearly 20,000 SPL members who were unable to access library materials because they had more than $10 in late fines on their accounts. Many of these individuals are Saskatoon’s most vulnerable residents, including children, newcomers and those with fixed and low incomes. Going fines free will allow us to welcome these members back to SPL and provide equitable library services for everyone in our community.

Some of our patrons viewed library fines as a donation to the library and not a barrier to access. If this sounds like you, we invite you to consider paying your fines forward by making a donation to the area of greatest need at SPL.

Though revenue from fines represented only about 0.44% of SPL’s operating budget, fines did provide us with a small pool of funds to draw on for emerging needs such as additional public computers, loanable technology, and specialized equipment and materials for people with disabilities. If you would like to help address these and other arising needs in our community, please consider donating to the area of most need via the form on this page. Your gift will help us address the changing needs of our patrons and ensure that the library is a safe and welcoming space for all.

For assistance with making a gift, please contact:

Vicki Corbin
Manager, Community Giving
[email protected]

Saskatoon Public Library endorses the Donor Bill of Rights.