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All libraries, online chat and phone services will be closed on Monday, Oct 14 for Thanksgiving.

Deputation Request:

If you wish to make a presentation to the Library Board at a regularly scheduled meeting, please complete the Deputation Form.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Library Board allows deputations up to five (5) minutes to address the members.

All comments are directed to and through the Meeting Chair. Members of the Board may, through the Chair, direct a response or question where appropriate. No more than one person shall speak at one time and at all times, proper language, speech and decorum shall be maintained. The Chair may direct that any person in violation of proper decorum be expelled from the meeting location.

No written communication shall be considered by the Board if, within the 12 months immediately preceding the communication, the Board has dealt with the same or substantially the same matter by Board motion or direction to Administration. The Board Chair shall refuse a request to make a deputation if the Board has, within the 12 months immediately preceding the request, dealt with the same or substantially the same matter by Board motion or direction to Administration.

After a deputation is made, the Board will either recommend that the information be received or refer the matter to Administration.

Library Board meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of each month. The meetings start at 4:00 p.m. and are usually held in the Board Room at the Frances Morrison Central Library.

Copies of Library Board agendas are available on the website the Wednesday afternoon preceding the Board Meeting.