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Adventure Awaits!

Yearning for your younger years? Saskatoon’s new Summer Reading Club for Adults is a throwback to the good old days, when everything seemed newer, bigger and, frankly, more exciting. After all, why should kids have all the fun!?

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, consists of eight weekly reading-related activities. Stop by any library starting Jun 10 to get a challenge booklet or download it here. After completing each activity, return to the library and receive your challenge-themed stickers as you strive to achieve literary supremacy!

Regardless of your motivation – bragging rights, nostalgia or simply personal satisfaction – grab some page-turners and get reading!

2024 Challenges

The Night Owl
Burn that midnight oil and stay up past your bedtime to finish just one…more…(yawn)…chapter.

The Everest
There ain’t no mountain high enough to stop you! Read a book from your bucket list.

The Marathoner
Stay hydrated and settle into an even pace while reading an entire book in one or two sittings.

The Explorer
Try a book recommended by someone you follow on social media (SPL’s social media included!).

The Adaptor
Give your page-turners (aka: fingers) a break and listen to an audiobook.

The Re-Reader
Just like you, some things get better with age. Revisit a beloved book from your childhood.

The Bookworm
Cancel your weekend plans (optional) and check out at least three books from the library in one visit (required).

The Juggler
Put your mental coordination to the test and try reading two or more books simultaneously.

The Completionist
Get a sticker for completing all of the other challenges listed above. Participants must collect The Completionist sticker to be entered into the draw for the grand prize.